Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blessed Kingdom Days . . .

We sang a song in church today that was unfamiliar to both Daniel and me. Its simplicity, its repetition of such important and beautiful truths spoke loudly to our hearts. I tried to find the lyrics when we got home - I thought it was an old hymn, sturdy and passing the test of time. Turns out it was written by the church's worship team:

Holy holy holy Lord
Holy holy Lord
Be thy glorious name adored
Be thy name adored
Lord Thy mercies never fail
Lord they never fail
Hail my Savior Jesus Hail
Hail king Jesus Hail

Broken hearts, Lord, sing Thy praise
Brokenhearted praise
Clothed in mercy, saved by grace
By Thy cross of grace
Purer praise we hope to bring
Lord, we hope to bring
When around Thy throne we sing
Around Thy throne we sing

There no tongue shall silent be
None shall silent be
All shall join in harmony
All in harmony
In those blessed Kingdom days
Blessed Kingdom days
There will be one anthem raised
Singing endless days

Holy holy holy Lord
Holy holy Lord
Be Thy glorious name adored

This is the church we've been attending for the last five weeks. I love the way this church does worship. In a place where musical talent is always on display, and always seeking to be displayed, this church has quietly elected to go the other way. The band is not on stage, but is discretely placed in the corner, on the floor and almost out 
of sight. The instrumentation is always good, but mostly acoustic, quiet - the words are always forefront. The people of this church and the Spirit of this church has done nothing but refresh us and uplift us in our walk. We are so thankful.

In other news, school is son starting, and this upcoming week will be a difficult one for me. I have diagnostic tests that I have to take before Friday. These tests 
are supposed to determine how far along I am in my comprehension of Greek and Latin, which will then determine what level I am placed in this semes
ter. Aside from trying to overcome the general test-taking nervousness, I'm striving to remedy my laziness over the past three years. I fear I have not focused on learning vocabulary as I should have, because at ASU we were never forced to sight-read. So, in pictures this will be the whole of my next week . . .

And this is only one of the ways my wonderful husband helps me get through it all ;) . . . Cate, your post about the donuts warmed my heart. While this particular batch was a little more than $2, the principle is the same. (All of this is supposed to last the entire week, by the way!) But don't worry, Gordon, I've been exercising. I take my notecards on my walks. I get some funny looks, but it's a good way to budget time. 

1 comment:

Stefani Alyse said...

awwee :(
seeing those note cards make me sad because i remember how i use to help you study !
( even though i couldn't pronounce the words)