Saturday, August 9, 2008

A quick glimpse of life here

Just wanted to share some pictures of Nashville! We lost our camera in transit, so I'm sorry for the quality. We've been having so many fun experiences out here, I wish I could share all of them with you guys! But one of the best so far was a lovely Saturday evening Daniel and I spent at Centennial Park in the downtown area. The park is only about half a mile from Vandy, so I look forward to studying there after classes. :)

The Parthenon is a 1:1 construction that was build for the World Fair in something like 1896, then rebuilt in the 20's as a permanent construction. We haven't been inside yet, but it houses a 40ft reproduction of the Athena Parthenos, the original cult statue. It's rather ironic that I wrote no less than 4 papers about the Parthenon and the Athena in Nashville, and now I get to live so close by!

And as if the Parthenon wasn't cool enough, the part has a beautiful pond surrounded by even more beautiful trees! There are about 10 willow trees with benches under them - it's just amazing. And I couldn't help but share the picture of this beautiful knarly tree. :)

And now for the apartment:
The kitchen is pretty nice. We've been cooking together quite a bit lately, and it works even for both of us in there at the same time. On the refrigerator proudly displayed are Daniel's birthday cards from the girls. 

The dining room is probably my favorite room in the house, and the one I spend the most time in - studying Greek and eating. On the left are the cypress prints. They are so beautiful! And the table we got at a local antique store. 

The candles were a gift from Linda - thanks!

Yes, that is a giant hanging camel head sconce. Don't ask . . . ;)

Here is the jewelry chest Grandma gave me with Cara and Rob's silver dish on top. Mom - do you recognize the prints on the wall? Still have them!

Bathroom with the shower curtain I was so excited about, and the print Dad brought back from Italy for me. 

The beautiful amethyst vase Grandma gave me!

It's a wonderful apartment - we feel so blessed to be so comfortable when we're just starting out. The neighborhood is great to walk in, with lots of trees and fun houses. We have lightning bugs and bats that come out every night! 

As for Nashville itself, we are loving it. What a wonderful city! We recently discovered a great farmer's market, there are tons to beautiful, green parks and tons of fun things to do. We've been attending a church called Midtown Fellowship for the last few weeks. We're already involved in a young couples' small group, and they've been looking for a sound volunteer . . . :) Once again, the Lord opened the way for us. This was the second church we visited, but we immediately got plugged in and are loving it.

Love you all!   

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