Thursday, August 21, 2008

I took my diagnostic tests today - the ones I've been stressing about all week. It's hard to say how I did, or how harshly the faculty will "grade" the test. I bombed the Greek passages but was familiar with one of the  Latin passages -  that helped, but it will be rather ironic if I'm placed in remedial Greek and advanced Latin, as I've done twice as much Greek as Latin!

In any case, it was fun to tour the campus. The library is a very strange building - low ceilings, small isles, maze-like construction. It has a dark, very unfinished look about it, which I find very cool. I briefly introduced myself to one of the other grad students, but we didn't have a chance to talk. I also looked briefly into the Classics Department rooms - so cool! It's like it's a proper department! The Classics Dept. has its own study/sitting room, its own reserve library, its own classrooms and and seminar room! It really is amazing.  .  . Every time I'm on campus I am blown away that I have been so blessed to be here.

Tomorrow is the all important meeting with all the graduate students and the head of Graduate Studies! I am looking forward to it. The Classics community at ASU was very friendly and close-knit (there was sort of an attitude of Classics majors against the rest of the world). I'm hoping the same will be true for our small group. 

In other news, Daniel is diligently scoping out the studio internship opportunities out here. He starts school next week, as well. We would ask for your prayers that he can get into the classes he needs, since there was a monumental goof-up last time he registered and didn't get the classes he wanted (grrr). 

We miss you all terribly! Although Facebook has been a blessing (thanks Cate). I even connected with old friends from San Gabriel! Anyway, hope you all are having a good week.

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