Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's about bedtime . . .

I have discovered that going to bed at 10:00 pm when you have to get up at 6:00 am is quite possibly one of the most wonderful things in life. Enough sleep? I've never known such happiness!

Daniel and I have just not had good luck with restaurants out here. We try new restaurants, with varying degrees of success, but always long for our old familiar haunts: Four Peaks, Delux, YC's, etc . . . ::sigh:: We basically have our Christmas trip scheduled around restaurants and the people that correspond to that restaurant!. :) We really are foodies.

Speaking of new restaurants, one the least successful experiences was last night. We decided on a whim to try a new pizza restaurant by school. While the pizza was good, and service was good, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to go back there because one piece into the pie I went to grab a second and watched in slow-motion horror as I proceeded to knock over the pizza pan, throwing pizza all over the table and floor! Yeah, it was horrible. But the manager was great - he was over at our table within 30 seconds, and offered to get us a new pizza to replace the mangled one now spattered all over his tile. He was very sweet, and I appreciated that in my moment of utmost embarrassment!

But, in other more exciting news, I just discovered I have a week off for Thanksgiving! (Alas, Daniel only has two days) And what this means is that I will be spending every second of that week working on seminar papers, woo hoo. But seriously, that was wonderful news to me - a cumulative 500 lines of ancient languages to translate and two seminar papers? Heck no.

It's been getting very cold out here, I'll have you all know! :) Like hats and gloves and scarf and coat weather. Absolutely beautiful. I should also post pictures of the change of the season - for all those in Arizona, that's when the leaves on trees change color and fall to the ground, whereupon you rake them up into a huge pile and dive into them! (We have yet to do this, but it's coming soon.) All the trees at Vandy are bright yellow and red, and everywhere are squirrels and chipmunks running around. I recently discovered I love chipmunks, they are stinkin cute. :)

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