Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, it's Thanksgiving week, and we are missing family very much. I have the week off, and Daniel has most of it off, so we are going to make the best of it! Wednesday Daniel and I are going to drive to Atlanta, GA (four hours away) to spend the day at the High Museum of Art. They have really cool exhibits right now - one of them is a collection from the Terra Cotta Army of China, and another is a collection of 90 pieces from the Louvre. So we'll be spending the day there, and driving home either Wednesday night or Thursday morning. On Thursday, we've decided to go out to eat instead of trying to cook . . . :). There is a restaurant close to our house called Ellendales that has a Thanksgiving buffet (it looks really good), and that way we don't have to cook a whole lot of food for two people. And besides, sauteed fennel and apples with cardamon butter and roasted walnuts???? (That's just a sample of the menu) I was freaking out about not messing up the green beans. This will be a much more enjoyable meal, I think. :) However, we will be thinking of family and looking forward to Christmas.

I'm enjoying the short break before the end of the semester (which will be intense!) I got two papers done and turned in on Friday, and that was a major accomplishment. Now I have to write three more papers and apply for summer programs!

Daniel is also wrapping up classes and he has an awesome schedule next semester! He's taking three audio classes - go Daniel! He's still at the studio two days a week, and working quite a bit at the store. He's been busy :)

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