Friday, October 31, 2008

de socero nostro . . .

We received four packages from this week - all of them presents from Daniel's dad, Scott! It was like Christmas! I had fun picking them up from the rental office, because the woman gave me a very stern "Will you have money to pay rent this month?" look and said in her sweetest, most saccharine-sweet voice, "My, you have been doing alot of on-line shopping!" I tried to explain that they were gifts, but she didn't believe me. :)

Daniel received very cool blue tooth headphones, a live Pixies DVD, and I received two Loebs (Marcus Aurelius and Livy - yay!) Thanks, Scott!!!

So, that was the highlight of the week. In other news, it's getting to be about that time when I have to write millions of papers! The first one is for my Ancient Origins of Religious Conflicts class. A wonderful class, by the way, but very difficult. Pray for me!

Also, things for Daniel at the stuio are on an upswing! Let's keep praying! He went down to two days at the studio, as opposed to five, which turns out to be a good thing. We have more time together, and he has better shifts (during the day, so generally more sessions).

We're going to carve a pumpkin today, so I'll post pictures of our attempts later today. Happy Halloween!

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