Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's your most embarrassing moment? Here's mine . . .

A quick update - I'm sorry for slacking. As usual, school and work and internships have kept us abominably busy. But, I do feel as if I have finally hit my stride in seminars. My hands still shake when I give presentations (like this morning), but at least I have overcome my abject fear of talking and am able to contribute occasionally. I feel for the first time as if I am a contributing member. And I am learning (although it is difficult) to let things go as quickly as possible . . . I think once I'm out of this program, nothing will ever embarrass me again. By way of an example of public humiliation, I will share a story which up to this point I was too mortified about to share. But now I'm ready. :)

So we have our first seminar on floor 2 of the Classics building, and our second seminar on floor 3 of the same building. One day after first seminar I was walking out with my professor discussing some upcoming event. I, in my absent-mindedness and exhaustion-induced stupor, believed myself to be on the 3rd floor instead of the 2nd floor (they look almost exactly alike). So, while walking out I pulled out my key to open the grad student study room (right across from seminar room on floor 3) and attempted to open it . . . but failed. All the while my teacher was looking at me strangely, but I didn't know why. She finally walked away, and I tried again with the key, only to discover at that moment I was in fact attempting to open someone's office!!!

Embarrassing, huh?

:) I'm becoming much more emotionally flexible, shall we say. I just don't have the time to break down about the things I used to. It's probably a very good thing.

It's been a beautiful rainy day today, and Daniel is home tonight - so we will be spending the evening enjoying the weather, eating sour skittles and watching scrubs! A lovely evening, no?

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