Monday, September 8, 2008

Good News!

Sorry it's been so long since I've written - on top of just generally pulling my hair out over the amount of homework I find myself with, our internet was shut off (cause as yet unknown). But now I have a minute to catch my breath and write from school.

So, as to the good news! Daniel has an internship at OmniSound Studios!!! He starts next Monday, so details are forthcoming. But this is a step in the right direction, and a good place for him to be at right now. It is a typical internship - he'll be answering phones and such - but their emphasis is to give the intern a full picture of how the music business side of it all works. So he will be interacting with clients, etc. Yay for Daniel! If you want to check out where he'll be at, their site is:

As for Classics, they're not being very nice to me right now . . . :/ I've never had so much to do in my life. But one positive point is that all Classics grad students went out this last Friday, and got to know each other. The four newbies went out after this, and just generally had a good time searching for sushi and ending up at a sketch taco bar (where everything you ordered, no matter what it was, all looked and tasted alike). I feel a little more like part of a cohesive group now, and like we were able to relate on a personal level.

In other news, I finally got to see the 40 foot statue of Athena inside the Nashville Parthenon! She's just as big and gaudy as I thought. People actually donated so that she could be gilded (with real gold!) like the original! And I'm looking forward to Wednesday of this week when I'll be going to Reformed University Ministries with Anna (daughter of Mom's good friend that just started at Vandy). I'll let you know how that is.

And, Daniel started helping out with sound at Midtown this Sunday, as well. It's been a very sound oriented week for him, no? He'll be in rotation with a team of guys, and he'll start out doing monitor mixes. A little sad for me, because I have to be without him, but I'll find Anna to sit with. And it's wbat he's supposed to be doing.

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