Monday, February 9, 2009

Signs that you are older than you want to be . . .

1) Your little sister is asked out by her much older tattoo artist

2) The highlight of your week is finally being able to use that salad bowl you got for the wedding shower

3) You automatically wake up at 6 in the morning ready to greet the day all cheery-like

So, I've been pondering something Cara said on her blog - I'm the only one of the four kids to not have a tattoo from Divinity in Scottsdale! I'm not sure I can live with that disgrace. Well, I've been seriously considering getting a tattoo, and that's just the kind of incentive I needed. A chi rho on one food, an alpha and omega on the other. I am going to be in AZ for Spring Break . . . :) Thoughts? Feelings? Objections?

In any case, Daniel and I felt our dinner party was very successful. We had two couples over, and we made delicious food, of which every last scrap was eaten! They stayed for four and a half hours, and the conversation was lovely. I think Daniel and I could really enjoy this entertaining thing. We love cooking together, and we love making people happy, so really it's perfect.

It will be sad, though, when these two couples move away. Both are graduating at the end of this semester and moving on. I haven't really developed relationships with the other first-years like I have with the two second years and their significant others. Hopefully things will get better, though. And we will have fresh blood next year!

In other news, I am slowly wasting away with anxiety about summer programs. I should be hearing soon, and certainly by the end of the month, and I'm dying. I'm dying a) to know for sure that I was accepted and b) dying to start making plans for the pre-program travel with Daniel! In many ways Daniel is the perfect travel partner for me, among them the fact that I like to plan and figure things out and budget and itinerize (is that a word? as in, make itineraries, from the latin iter, itineris - journey . . .), and he likes to just chill and go with the flow. So I will have tons of fun picking hotels and sights to see and restaurants, etc!! Planning my trip with Gordon was a joy. As was travelling with Gordon, and I hope he will come visit while I'm in _________. (Athens? Rome? Pompeii?)

It was a beautiful 70 degrees today in Nashville! It went from being in the 20's/30's to the 60's/70's. I love rain, and I love clouds - but I'm beginning to realize that I love sunshine and warmth just a smidge more. The cold, icy winter of Nashville was starting to get me down. There is just something inherently gloomier about watching all the beautiful green around you slowly be consumed by cold and ice. At any rate, it's growing warm and lovely again, which means I will be doing much of my homework outside again.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sorry about neglecting the blog, guys. It's been a challenging, time consuming semester. But I loved being able to spend a few minutes on the computer and feel somewhat reconnected with my family! So let's get back into this. Thanks, Stef for leading the way.

Saturday morning . . . and Daniel is still fast asleep, while I'm ready to jump out of bed and start my day. We have a lot to do today, and it's going to be a fun night! We're hosting our first dinner party for a few friends from school. :) And so in addition to preparing yummy food, we're trying to do all those little things around the house that we've put off for so long. It's been fun - almost like nesting all over again. So off to target to find a table cloth, and enough water glasses for 6 people, and picture frames. And also lots of grocery shopping for the meal. Menu: Salad with Apples and Maple-Walnut Dressing, Pasta with Creamy Wild Mushroom Sauce, and Lemon Bread and CC cookies for dessert. Oh, it's going to be sooo good! I'm a little nervous because I've never really cooked for people like this. And I'm worried that maybe someone won't like this, another won't like that. But oh, well! Daniel and I tried out our recipies on Thursday, and they all tasted wonderful to us. ::fingers crossed::

This semester will be a good one for Daniel, I think. Although it's also going to be crazy busy. But he has so many opportunities these days to just lose himself in music and audio. The school requires that students help out with various school-run live shows, and Daniel had two full days of shows last weekend. It's hard, because tempers flare and not everyone is nice when they're under pressure, but I still get the sense that with every show, Daniel gains experience and confidence. In addition to that, he has various mixing project to do for his classes. His first project was a simple overdubbing project, but we both had so much fun thinking of ideas to make it interesting. He felt creative, and that makes him very happy (in turn, it makes me very happy!). He's also taking guitar lessons, and I already hear his playing improving, and I see his motivation and desire for playing growing.

And I - well, I'm having a pretty good semesters. I'm enjoying my Greek classes so much. And my Latin class is going to kill me. . . But it's what I needed. I needed a very intense and challenging Latin course, and my Latin is getting better and better every day. I'm just sweating blood every time I sit down to do my Latin translation! The teacher is supportive, and understand that my Latin is years behind everyone else's, so he's been spending time outside of class helping me.

So, not much else to update on yet. But I'll let you guys know how the dinner party goes!